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CUDCEM hosts University of Washington’s MRSEC – MEMC during the Science and Technology of Emerging Materials Symposium (STEMS) 2023 in Orlando (March 16-17, 2023).

The PREM Center for Ultrafast Dynamics and Catalysis in Emerging Materials (C-UDCEM) at UCF is an NSF funded Partnerships for Research and Education in Materials (PREM) seed Center. The Center was established in September 2021. In conjunction with PIs at the Molecular Engineering Materials Center (MEMC) – a Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) at the University of Washington in Seattle, this Center will focus on the discovery of new phenomena in quantum materials and catalysts.

C-UDCEM’s human mission is to nurture an environment for students at UCF while partnering with students at the University of Washington, Seattle. C-UDCEM will provide tools and resources for co-mentoring activities and exchange visits of students, organization of conferences, workshops for undergraduate students, summer camps for high school students, and development of open-source online learning modules.

We welcome you to visit our pages and read about the exciting research we are conducting with our students.

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