2023 Science and Technology of Emerging Materials Symposium

Final program schedule is available now!!!!
Program Schedule_Final
1. Abstract Submission is closed: You may contact stems2023@gmail.com with any questions.
2. After March 1st: Late registration rates are now active – $150(students); $200(faculty/researchers).
Register for the conference by clicking here.
General Information
The 2023 Science and Technology of Emerging Materials Symposium (2023 STEMS) will be held on March 16-17, 2023, at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, FL. The symposium is organized by the PREM Center for Ultrafast Dynamics and Catalysis in Emerging Materials at UCF and aims to bring together scientists with research interest in quantum materials as well as materials for energy to discuss the latest progress and development in these fields. The symposium will consist of technical sessions with invited and contributed presentations, a poster session including a student poster competition.
Technical Program
The technical program will be held on Thursday and Friday, March 16th and 17th, 2023 in the 101 hall of the L3Harris Corporation Engineering Center (HEC building) at the University of Central Florida. The coffee breaks, lunches, and poster sessions will take place in the HCEC atrium.
Confirmed Invited Speakers
1. Ting Cao (University of Washington)
2. Joshua Robinson (Penn State)
3. Xiao-Xiao Zhang (University of Florida)
4. Michael Filler (Georgia Tech)
5. Wei David Wei (University of Florida)
6. Daniela Radu (Florida International University)
7. Luis Balicas (Florida State University)
8. Xiaosong Li (University of Washington)
9. Madhab Neupane (University of Central Florida)
10. Tracy Lohr (Shell Corporation)
11. Jiun-Haw Chu (University of Washington)
12. Daniel Gamelin (University of Washington)
Symposium topics
- Synthesis and characterization of 2D quantum materials
- Exotic properties of quantum materials
- Light interaction with quantum matter
- Synthesis and characterization of novel materials for energy and environment
- Single atoms, clusters, particles, and defects
Abstract Formatting Details
One page abstract, single spaced, 1” margins all around in MS Word. Print title in Arial 14 pt bold on the first line centered, all upper case, (except chemical symbols). Leave one blank line, and then type in Arial 12 pt, centered, the names of the authors using upper and lower case as needed. Underline presenting author’s name. Leave another blank line, and type each author’s affiliation and postal address. Leave two blank lines and type abstract text, in Arial 11 pt, with one blank line between paragraphs. The body of the abstract text is limited to 200 words. Leave another blank line and indicate email address of presenting or contact author. Graphs and images can be included, as long as the entire abstract fits on one page.
Authors Notification: Authors will receive an email acknowledgement within 1 week.
Abstracts must be submitted via email (stems2023@gmail.com) by Wednesday Mar 10, 2023.
Online Registration
– Registration is required for all participants.
– A limited number of registration fee waivers are available for students upon request. Click here for registration fee waiver.
– Please complete and submit the registration form before March 10, 2023 at Midnight EDT.
Registration fee:
Early Bird: $100(students); $150 (faculty/researchers)
After March 1st: $150(students); $200(faculty/researchers)
*The registration fee will cover lunches and coffee breaks on both days and a dinner reception on day 1.
Fee waivers for a limited number of students:
A limited number of fee waivers will be offered to students. We especially welcome submission from student members of underrepresented groups in STEM, minority-serving institutions and undergraduate institutions. To apply for fee waivers, students will need to fill a form.
Oral Presentations
Invited Talks: 40 minutes (35 minutes of presentation+5 minutes for discussion)
Contributed Talks: 15 minutes (12 minutes of presentation+3 minutes for discussion)
Audio/Visual Equipment
We recommend the use of PowerPoint slides for presentation on a LCD video projector.
The conference room will be equipped with a laptop, an LCD video projector, and a microphone. You may also bring your own laptop.
Uploading of the presentation files will be done before the sessions start and during the coffee and lunch breaks. Please make sure that you contact your Session Chair to upload your presentation. We recommend that speakers be at their session at least 10 minutes before it begins.
Poster Display and Sessions
The poster session and reception will be held on Thursday, March 16th from 5:45 to 7.45 p.m. A student poster competition for graduate and undergraduate students will be included in the poster session.
Poster Set Up: Thursday, March 16th, from 4:30 pm to 5:00 pm
Poster Session: Thursday March 16th, from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Poster Tear Down: Thursday, March 16th at 7:45 pm
(Please note that any remaining posters will be discarded)
Poster Size and Format
Poster presenters will be provided with a blank board, easels and push pins at the conference site. All Poster presenters will be provided with a Poster Number which will allocate the position of the Poster in the Atrium of HEC. Posters are recommended to be not more than 36 ” x 48 ” (W x H).
Meeting Location
2023 STEMS will be hosted at the main campus of the University of Central Florida (UCF), in Orlando FL, USA. The symposium will be held in the Hall 101 of the L3Harris Corporation Engineering Center (HEC Bldg.), 4328 Scorpius St, Orlando, FL 32816, USA.
Parking will be available in the Parking Garage C (12998 Gemini Blvd E, Orlando, FL 32816) for $5/day.
Click on the map for details.
Traveling to UCF
Airport: UCF is minutes away from both the Orlando International Airport (MCO), a major international airport serving 135 domestic and international destinations, and the Orlando Sanford International Airport. The campus is also within driving distance of airports in Tampa and Miami, and is conveniently located near major highways.
Driving: Driving directions can be found here: https://map.ucf.edu/directions/.
Hotels close to UCF
The Celeste Hotel Orlando on the UCF campus, 4-star – 1.2mi
4105 N Alafaya Trail, Orlando, FL 32826(407) 207-4700
12125 High Tech Ave, Orlando, FL 32817(407) 275-9000
3450 Quadrangle Blvd, Orlando, FL 32817(407) 282-0029